Can You Wash North Face Backpack?

Can You Wash North Face Backpack?

Washing your North Face backpack is an important aspect of the overall care that you should maintain for your backpack. Whether you choose to wash it yourself or take it somewhere, knowing the right way and wrong way of doing so is vital in ensuring how long your backpack can last and stay in good condition.

Yes. North Face backpacks are machine-washable, but you should use a gentle cycle and cold water. You can also use a mild detergent, but be sure to avoid bleach, fabric softeners, or any other products that are not actually meant for cleaning backpacks. Finally, be sure to air dry your backpack rather than putting it in the dryer – this will help preserve the fabric and keep your backpack looking good for longer.

How do I Wash North Face Backpack

It is good that you are willing to clean your backpack. You will have a nicer-looking backpack if you keep it clean, and just think about how much dirtier it gets after being outside all day!

Step 1: Use a Mesh Laundry Bag

If you have one, use a mesh laundry bag when putting your backpack through a washing machine cycle. This will keep your straps in place and keep the inside of the washer from getting too dirty. You can also buy special bags that you can put things into when going through a washing machine cycle – these are simple to use and you can find them at many stores.

Step 2: Wash Your Backpack on A “gentle” Cycle

You should always wash on the gentle cycle! This will protect the fabric of your backpack and prevent it from getting damaged or developing tears or holes. It is also gentler on the zippers and other metal components, which can become bent out of shape if they go through too many wash cycles.

Step 3: Use Cold Water

Use only cold water when washing your North Face backpack – hot or warm water can damage the fabric and will fade the colors over time. If you want to be extra safe, you can use a color-safe detergent on your backpack. This will do a great job of keeping your pack free from dirt and germs without fading the colors or damaging the fabric.

Step 4: Air Dry Your North Face Backpack – Don’t Put It in The Dryer!

Your North Face backpack should never be put in the drier, as this can damage it and cause even more wear and tear. You can let it air dry by hanging it up or laying it flat, but be sure that you are not putting your backpack in the sun! This will fade the colors over time, which is something you do not want to have to happen to your backpack.

More Cleaning Knowledge

There are several different ways that you can use to clean your backpack, but it is important that you always follow the steps above or else risk damaging your backpack. The following methods should be used as a last resort:

Hand washes only method: This method involves using cold water and a small amount of gentle soap to hand wash your backpack. You will need to gently scrub the backpack and then rinse it with cold water before letting it air dry.

Mild dish soap method: If you want to be very careful, you can use mild dish soap as well as cold water to hand wash your backpack before allowing it to air dry.

Machine wash method: You can use a gentle detergent on your backpack when washing it in the machine, but be sure to set it on a gentle cycle and not one of the harsher ones!

Bleach method: Bleach is never recommended for cleaning backpacks as this will damage the fabric. In addition, bleach doesn’t actually do anything to get your backpack clean – it just gives it a bright color.

Vinegar method: Vinegar is another item that should not be used to clean backpacks. It does not actually get them clean and can also damage the fabric if you leave too much on there for too long.

Steps to Clean North Face Backpack by Hand Wash Method

Step 1:

Fill a bucket with cold water and add some mild dish soap.

Step 2:

Dunk the backpack into the soapy water, making sure that the entire backpack gets wet. You may need to use your hands or a soft bristle brush to get it clean.

Step 3:

When you feel like you have gotten all of the dirt off of it, use a clean bucket of cold water to rinse the backpack.

Step 4:

Allow it to air dry, making sure that the straps and zippers are pointing downwards so they don’t get damaged.

Steps to Clean North Face Backpack by Machine Wash Method

Step 1:

Fill your washing machine with cold water and put in a small amount of gentle detergent.

Step 2:

Place your backpack inside and let it agitate for a few minutes to get any dirt out.

Step 3:

When the cycle is complete, put the backpack into another wash cycle with cold water and no detergent in order to rinse off any soap residue and allow it to air dry. Make sure it is not in the drier!

Steps to Clean North Face Backpack by Bleach Method

Step 1:

Fill a bucket with cold water and add a small amount of bleach.

Step 2:

Dunk your backpack into the bleach mixture, making sure that all parts get wet. Make sure that you don’t put the bleach in your washing machine!

Step 3:

Let it soak overnight.

Step 4:

Rinse with cold water, then put it into another cycle in the washer without any bleach to rinse off all of the bleach residues and allow it to air dry. Make sure that you do not use hot water when you do as it can cause the fabric to shrink.

Steps to Clean North Face Backpack by Vinegar Method

Step 1:

Fill a bucket with cold water and add some white vinegar.

Step 2:

Dunk your backpack into the mixture, making sure that all parts get wet. You may need to use a soft bristle brush to get it clean.

Step 3:

When you feel that the backpack is clean, use a bucket of cold water to rinse off any vinegar residue and allow it to air dry. Make sure that your pack dries all the way through!

Is It Possible to Wash a North Face Backpack in The Machine?

The reason why you should avoid washing North Face backpacks in the machine is that their fabric will shrink. If the backpack was already a little small for you, it can get even smaller if it shrinks while being washed.

Is It Possible to Wash a North Face Backpack in The Dryer?

No – this will not only cause your North Face backpack to shrink, but it can cause the little machine that makes the zipper move up and down to get stuck.


The article talks about how to clean North Face Backpack. As you can see from the contents of this article, it is very easy to wash your backpack by hand if you don’t want to use a machine. Finally, thank you so much for visiting our website, and good luck!

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Here at MarshalCart, we ensure that the reader gets accurate and detailed information about different products that they may be interested in by providing a wide range of information and models regarding that backpacks hence making the job and selection easy.

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